After obtaining his Law degree in 1993, Ian Panné decides to choose his first love and opens an antique shop in his ancestral home in Affligem. From the start he also chose to exhibit his silverware on the Sablon antiques market in the heart of Brussels. Since 1960 this market is the centre of a lively quarter of hundreds of antiques shops.
Personal contacts in Belgium, Uk & France allow Ian to select high end quality antique silverware from various -Renaissance, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Regency, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Directoire, Empire, Louis-Philippe, Napoleon III, Renaissance, Art Nouveau , Art Déco and Modern- styles.
He handles everything concerning silver: buying, selling, vetting, marriage-lists, restorations, scientific and historical research . You will find him every Saturday and Sunday on the famous Sablon Antique Market in Brussels. If you want to visit him during the week you can find him in Essene (Affligem), where he exposes his collection at his family brewery house.